Looking Back

2018. How would I define this year? I hesitate to use the word ‘change’ as that is too simplistic. ‘Growth’ might be a bit better, but even yet, that word does not bring full color to what this year has entailed.

I knew full well, as 2017 came to a close, that the new year was going to be one of adjustments, new beginnings, and even growing pains. As I sit here today and reflect back, I am able to play “Monday-morning-quarterback” and I am so amazed to see how God’s purpose and plan has been intertwined throughout this year.

Admittedly, and quite intentionally, I have been quiet here on my blog. I have spent the greater part of this year in quiet reflection with God. Sorting through things I believed and trying to make better sense of who God is, what the true purpose of the Gospel is, what is the role of the American Church, what does Godly leadership look like, what is the clear mission for believers, and so much more.

As we go into this new year, I plan to address many of those topics here. Some are complex, some are simple – but I have confidently found that they all are aligned with one common theme – love. Before you quickly say “of course, that is what the Gospel is all about”, let me just pause and challenge you – is this what you see played out as the primary mode of operation in Christians, Churches and their leaders? Or, if you were honest, could there possibly be another motive in our hearts?

This is a topic that can fill a book…In fact, a great book I read late last year that I would recommend is, “The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb: Searching for Jesus’ Path of Power in a Church that Has Abandoned It”, written by Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel.

This is a book that really set me on a journey of self reflection, desperately trying to make sure I was aligned with the way of Christ. I found myself, and continue to find myself, having to repent from previous thoughts and statements that were simply wrong and not aligned with the way of the Lamb. I will give you some specific examples of those in future posts.

At the end of it all, Jesus gives us a command: Love God and love your neighbor. Although it is a simple sounding statement, it is a very complex command. One that is so much more difficult to walk out than we might anticipate.

Bob Goff seems to sum it up well:

But the kind of love that God created and demonstrated is a costly one because it involves sacrifice and presence. It’s a love that operates more like a sign language than being spoken outright.

That is where I wrap up 2018 – still on a journey of what love really looks like. As we venture into this new year, I will share much of that journey with you. I am so thankful for the beautiful truths that I have learned this year. I am grateful for the path that has led me to these discoveries – some paths were filled with joy and excitement and some were filled with sadness and hurt – but they have all led me to a deeper and more outstanding comprehension of Jesus.

As I venture into 2019, my prayer is simple yet profound:

God, continue to teach me, show me and guide me into a deeper understanding of your greatest commandment.  God, teach me how to love.

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