True Independence

Independence Day

We are coming off of Independence Day and with that, you are drawn to take a pause and reflect on what it all means. What is freedom? What does it mean for our country, our society, our way of life, or better yet, what does it mean for me individually?

The sacrifices made by multitudes of men and women throughout the history of our nation cannot be taken in vain. They all had a core belief for the freedom of man. The founding fathers also believed firmly in religious freedom and established the laws of the land based on the doctrines of the Christian Word.

I was reading a quote this weekend by Patrick Henry that really struck me:

“It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.”

Patrick Henry could not have been more right. When you step away from the power you have in God, you allow a stronghold to enter in and a chain to develop.

Bondage can only exist where freedom is non-existant.

Jesus made it plain in John 8:31-32 when He said:

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

A lot of times we tend to grab right onto verse 32, however, we forget the requirement. Yes, truth makes us free – but how do we know the truth…by abiding in Him and His word.

This holiday, I hope you took time to celebrate the freedom we have as United State Citizens. We live in a great nation and that deserves to be celebrated.  But as we move into the coming weeks I encourage you to remember that true freedom can only be found in Jesus.

Question: How do you stay focused on your freedom in Jesus?

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