Jesus’ 1-Step Plan for Seed Growth

Garden Picture

We have a garden in our yard, however, there is one big problem with this garden: I do not have a green thumb.  Maybe it’s lack of knowledge on how to care for it, my lack of attention to it, or maybe I can blame it on the desert heat…but one thing I know is true, untended seeds do not grow.  That is simple enough.  When it comes to growing anything in my garden, it requires time and attention. You must apply the right amount of nutrients, water, and effort otherwise all you will end up with is empty fruitless dirt.

God has provided each and every one of us with seed.  He has entrusted us with talents and gifts that we are supposed to use for the purpose of advancing His Kingdom.  So how exactly do we “tend” to those seeds?

In John 15, I feel that Jesus outlines a very simple 1-step plan for this: Abide in Him.

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. (John 15:4 NKJV)

I am convinced that we make this too difficult.  We expect growth simply by being a good person or showing up to church a few times a month – but if we desire true growth it is going to require a true pursuit of Him.  The word “abide” simply means to “dwell” – we are to “dwell in Him”.  Daily.  Always.

How do you do this?  Read His word (daily), talk with Him (daily), serve His people (daily).  It is not about you, it is all about Him!  When you focus on the vine (Him) versus the branch (you) things begin to change.

When you pursue Him with a relentless passion, the seeds that you have been entrusted with and the seeds that you are sowing will have no choice but to bear great and prosperous fruit.

Don’t let your seeds return as fruitless dirt, but abide in Him and see the great return.

Question: What practical steps do you take to walk out John 15:4

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